Monday, March 7, 2011

Collage Me

Inspired by a friend who recently created his own blog, I am updating mine (an embarrassing long time after I said I would...).
I feel that it is best to put up some stuff I wrote/pondered on during my Writers on Writing class last winter (English 285). It was an experimental class, so many of the writing assignments are unconventional.
I will start with one of my first assignments (called Pitches). It is a progressive piece, so the numbered parts are the 'brainstorming' for the final arranged paragraph at the end.

Pitch 2: Collage Me

1) The older I get, the more I realize how selfish I am. When I was younger, it manifested itself with actions that said. ‘I want that toy’ or ‘I want you to give attention to me, not my sister’, but now that I am older it has transformed into ‘give me your time: I want to claim irreplaceable moments of your life.’

2) Humans are inherently selfish and greedy, particularly when it comes to what they haven’t got. The interesting thing is, few realize it until they have reached “old age”.

3) “I have been a selfish being all my life, in practice, though not in principle.” ~Jane Austen

Final (Arbitrary) Arrangement:
Humans are inherently selfish and greedy, particularly when it comes to what they haven’t got. The interesting thing is, few realize it until they have reached “old age”.
The older I get, the more I realize how selfish I am. When I was younger, it manifested itself with actions that said, ‘I want that toy’ or ‘I want you to give attention to me, not my sister’, but now that I am older it has transformed into ‘give me your time: I want to claim irreplaceable moments of your life.’ I have been a selfish being all my life, in practice, though not in principle.

~Brittanie V.

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